The dragon kingdom of Bhutan is the landlocked and mountainous country that exists in the eastern Himalayas amid Tibet in the north and India in
the south.

Bhutan Tours were closed for a long period before it accepted the visit of foreigners in the recent decades of 20th century. Thus, Bhutan tours remain immune to the modern influences and it has become able to preserve the ancient culture and traditions in its original form. In fact, the culture of there is known to be one of the oldest cultures in the world as it dates back to 17th century.

Guru Padmasambhava who is the founder of Buddhism.It is the most respected religious icon. There exist three major sects which are named as Ngalungs or Drukpas, Sharchops, and Lhotshampas.

The lands in Bhutan can be differentiated into northern region, central region, and southern region. The Northern region holds mountains and the land in this region remain covered with glaciers for most of the time.

The Central region is also the mountainous region while southern region is comprised of forests, hills, and subtropical plains.

Trekking in this country is possible throughout the year. Best months for trekking include mid- March to mid- May and mid-September to early- November.

We are regularly organizing the amazing trek in the Dragon thunder land of Bhutan. The trek is known for following off- the- beaten tracks which proceeds through several natural grandeurs of forests and rivers and passes through the villages and towns where we will enjoy the views of monasteries, dzongs or fortresses, palaces and several other sights.

Bhutan Glimpse Tour and Cultural Tour are the short Tour that we are offering in Bhutan.

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