About Trekking Guide, Porter and Peak Climbing Guide

About Trekking Guide Porter and Peak Climbing Guide image 1

We offer private trekking guide hire service also. Our trekking guides are professional and quality stress free. A trekking guide & porter will not only be your teachers along the way but also companions in the vast and intense landscape of Nepal.

The emphasis of guides and porters especially when traveling in Nepal needs to be known, travel to Nepal is always exciting as the country throws in unique challenges at your feet, be it the weather, the sometimes questionable crannies, and nooks or the adventurous landscaped one needs to overcome. Hence, during these surprises, a guide gives you constant knowledge while simultaneously becoming your friend and confident in the process. A certified guide is not only skilled in the field of Nepal travel but also well equipped to handle the curve balls the country may throw. They are measured, precise, they can access the likely risks and are able to effectively communicate these to you. They keep you first and make sure that your experience is well managed and not hindered by fear or doubt.

Furthermore, a trek to the Himalayas is made more pleasant with the other most important member of the team, the porters.  Most believe porters to be bystanders observers but they are much more than this, along with being your companions in the journey a porter is there to share your burden, as with Nepal where destinations range in varied heights a porter comes in as your helping hand, there as you adjust to the climate, the thinning crisp air, and the climb. They help you carry not only your essentials but also allow you to recover when you need, in order to take in the full effect of this amazing journey.

Experienced guides and porter are there to deliver the service we promise you, they know when to help and challenge you, they know when to intervene and when to let you run free in your explores. They mold themselves into characters that you would want, sometimes being silent witnesses and other times friends who share stories and cultures. Furthermore, their technical know how you should approach a climb and a destination will make it easier for you relax and trust the process, the professionalism exhibited by our guides and porters will keep you at ease.

Most importantly they are there to be mediators of the vastness you will experience in Nepal, while you interact with the culture and the local people, they provide you with knowledge, a voice to communicate. As most of the trekking destinations in Nepal is located in the remote areas, diversity runs high and so does the local language, in such situations having local guides and porters helps the communities to open up to the foreigners and interact with them freely.

Lastly, using local guides and porter not only enriches the experience of travelers but also of the community this workforce is raised from, most turning into tourism to sustain themselves. Your usage of our service not only benefits our company but also the community you walk on and guides you use. The guides and porters get the experience to exercise their skills, economically benefit from the exchange with you which they later spread to the communities they were raised in educating the entire village in the process.