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Ramechhap to Lukla flight cost

Trip code
Package name Ramechhap to Lukla flight cost
Duration 1
Max. elevation m
Level EASY
Transportation By air
Starts at
Ends at
Trip route Ramechhap to Lukla flight
Cost USD 195 per person



Ramechhap to Lukla or Lukla to Ramechhap flight

As per the decision made by the authorization of Nepal Civil Aviation Department, the flight to Lukla is diverted to the nearest airport at Manthali town of Ramechhap district. The decision is taken due to heavy air traffic in Kathmandu airport.

Ramechhap airport also called Manthali airport, is located in the Ramechhap district of Nepal which is 83 km away from Kathmandu by landscapes distance. The flight takes 20 minutes from Ramechhap to Lukla. 

Ramechhap to Lukla flight is the new flight opening from 16th September 2023 for traveling from Kathmandu to Lukla. The flight change has been made to control heavy air traffic issues and it is one of the easiest, scenic, and safest journeys to the gateway of EBC for reaching Lukla. 

When and how to reach Ramechhap airport?

For same day fly to Lukla, you have to wake up early morning before dawn for an early morning drive to catch flight to Lukla on time. The drive leads on the new BP highway which is an enjoyable drive through the old town of Dhulikhel and then heading to southeast to reach Ramechhap airport. Private jeep, Hiace or car is one of the fastest means of transport to reach Ramechhap Manthali town from Kathmandu.

If trekkers have enough time then this option will be best. You can spend overnight in one of the cozy lodge in Manthali town then take next early morning flight to Lukla. The hotel is available at the distance of 5 minute walk from the airport. If you want we can manage the accommodation service.

Keep in mind, the flight to Lukla is completely depends on the weather condition. The weather can be unpredictable even in the best seasons which lead to delay and cancellation for next day either in the beginning or at the end flying from Lukla to Kathmandu or Manthali airport in Ramechhap. In case of cancellation, the passenger will be on backlist for the next available flight. So, one should have some additional days before and after the trek to avoid the circumstances of flight delay and cancellation.

Trip Itinerary

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