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Kathmandu to Lukla flight cost

Trip code
Package name Kathmandu to Lukla flight cost
Duration 1
Max. elevation 2860 m
Level EASY
Starts at kathmandu
Ends at kathmandu
Trip route
Cost USD 215 per person



Kathmandu to Lukla to Kathmandu flight

Kathmandu to Lukla flight is the most efficient way to access the Everest region. It takes about 35 minutes to reach Lukla airport from Kathmandu covering 85 miles/ 136 km of distance. Lukla is a small village inhabited by Sherpa people settled on 2800 above sea level. The flight offer stunning views of 18 of the highest peaks in the clear weather in which 4 of them are above 8000 m. The incredible views of the Gaurishankar, Melungtse, Cho Oyu, and Mount Everest - the world’s highest peak, makes your journey memorable.

The 35 minutes flight gives you the chance to take in some incredibly beautiful views of the Himalayas and opportunity to explore remote and rugged beauty of Lukla. It is known to be one of the most dangerous flights in the world so flying up above the Himalayas and landing in Lukla provide thrilling experience in your travel. If you want to fill your journey with beautiful memories then make sure to choose window seat on the left side of the plane from Kathmandu to Lukla and the right side of the plane from Lukla to Kathmandu. It’s better to avoid the middle of the plane, where the wings can block some of your view. 

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